Very rare, I write something other than summaries/opinion on books and here I catalog those.
P.S: I know I am terrible at fiction and poems (own write ups). But I feel trying is more important than sitting idle.
Additional Blogs
The greatest tool of science fights against the greatest threat of humankind
About: Why climate change is a bigger issue and how Machine learning is fighting against it.
I tried to explain the Covid situation and why we need to focus on bigger problems i.e climate change. Picked and summarised important points frmo a research paper authored by sevaral famous people from AI community
Tags: climatechange, researchpaper, corona, AIforgood
A Dystopian Tomorrow
About: Fiction, plastic comsumption
We all know that plastic is not good for environment but still tend to use it. I tried a small fiction about what happens in future and suggestions on how to avoid plastic.
Note: I believe awareness and reduction is important than a strict enforcement. Sometimes I do forget and carry plastic but eventually I developed -ve feedback so that the urge to use plastic reduced drastically.
Tags: climatechange, fiction, plastic
The inevitable cycle of life
About: Satirical poem describing the irony in life, busy schedules and how we tend to be unhappy no matter what
Probably my first poem describing nature of life
Tags: poem, life, irony, satirical, busy